“Work in an area that you really love otherwise it’s just not going to happen” Jenny from D For Dog

D for Dog began life in June 2004 as a dog photo gallery and shrine. Jenny Prevel took inspiration from her dogs Boycie and Berkeley to grow the site considerably since then to include dog news, events, articles and funnies, plus deaf dog information, a friendly dog forum, and of course an online shop for dog accessories.

Click to tweet: Hi everyone, Jenny from D For Dog shares their incredible journey on SellingOnlineToday! Download link

Dog Products Accessories Gifts UK Online D for dog sellingonlinetoday

Some thoughts from the interview

“There’s no point being like a pet shop, it’s all stuff I’ve found and thought ‘Wow I’d buy that for my dog’”

“All my items are handpicked by me and I think that it does show”

“D for Dog work with a lot of UK individual makers of items, stuff you won’t find on the high street”

“Last year we made a bowl for Syke from Midsummer murders”

“We were asked to supply goodies for @PaulOGradyShow ‘The love of dogs’ Christmas special”

“There are educational dog articles on your site dog care, illnesses, seasonal things, dog behavior, and training”

“My blogs are so close to my heart, I write all of them, topics that really matter to me”

“The blog is the most visited section of @DforDog

“Our repeat customers are really important to us, we do a great customer service and they tell their friends”

“Me and my husband spent days thinking of a name, and when we hit it we knew it was the one”

“Our forum became a bit obsolete because social media had become so big”

“Social media may not sell you products but it certainly doesn’t hurt”

“If you can build it they will come does not apply to eCommerce”

Guest Advice: “Only work in an area that you really love otherwise it’s not going to happen”

What do they offer?

All the items are handpicked by Jenny as unusual, particularly useful, or recommended to her by other dog lovers. If it’s not good enough for Boycie or Berkeley, it doesn’t go on the site shop!

How to contact D For Dog!

Twitter      Website      Facebook    Or email: info@dfordog.co.uk


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  1. Caroline Chapman says

    What a great interview, really interesting.
    Jenny clearly has a real passion for dogs. I have ordered many things from D for Dog over the years and the quality is excellent, and the service is second to none.
    The many articles which Jenny has written herself are very helpful.
    I look forward to the monthly newsletter too.
    What a very interesting podcast this was.

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